I can't believe how fast you are growing up little Ruby girl. You are full of personality. You are a total girl...you love to play dress up, and the moment you get your princess gloves and dress on you start singing, "be the good girl you always have to be..." from the movie "Frozen". It is adorable. You like to do my hair and "make-ups". You like me to paint your nails, and then you usually pick it all off in the car when we are driving somewhere. You always are picking something...a scab, your nails...ahhh..it drives me crazy! Today in church you snuck to the end of the bench to pick at your toenail...you thought you were being sneaky, but I knew what you were up to ;). You are so independent...getting in the car and hooking yourself in all by yourself (even if it takes 10 minutes), putting your shoes on all by yourself. I love how you want to do things yourself...it is teaching me a good lesson on patience ;). You are going to be a great big sister in a couple months. You are loud and crazy and fun and shy all at the same time. With big groups of people and kids you usually stay close by my side and want me to hold you. You like to observe and see what everyone else is doing, and sometimes will join in with the big crowd.
At night when I lay by you before you go to sleep you show me your pretend, "baby chicks". I hold them and feed them, and we put them to bed. I love your little imagination. You like to pretend you are a cat sometimes, and eat pretend food out of my hand. I love in the mornings when you come in my room with your crazy hair and come snuggle me in bed. It is the best part of my day. You love chocolate milk, shredded cheese, chocolate, ice cream, and noodles.
You love to color with markers and cut up your coloring books. I pick up little tiny pieces of cut up paper everyday from under that little red table that you sit at. I love your creativity and how detailed you are with your coloring. It is so fun to watch, and see what you draw and come up with.
You are often found singing a song...usually a primary song or a song from Frozen or Tangled. You are the sweetest little girl, and I love being your mom.