I can't believe my cute little thing is 18 months! You went to nursery for the first time today, and did great! You are still my little baby, and can't believe you are old enough to be in there. You make me so happy. You are such a joy and know how to make me smile everyday. Some of your favorite things right now are:
Your "cee-cee" or toothbrush with "bubble" or toothpaste.
"Ah-me" this means you usually wants any sort of candy or treat you can get her cute little hands on.
Books... you love, love to just sit down on my lap and flip through stacks of books. I love it too.
Your "binkie" and her "binkie". Translation: your binkie and your blankie.
Wants a book when you goe down for her nap now.
You also have to have every blanket in sight stacked on top of you while I sing to you before I lay you down for bed.
You loves putting on Gavin's clothes. Almost everyday you grabs one of his shirts or pjs and wants us to put them on. Sometimes you want his underwear on too. You'll walk around all day in his clothes. So dang cute.
You love to go outside and walk around.
You're afraid of ants.
I can't imagine my life without my sweet girl. I feel so blessed to be your mother and just want to squeeze you every chance I get. You have such a fun and happy personality. You are starting to get a little fight in you and know what you want. I love to see you become your own person, and hope that I can let you always be yourself and support you and love you in everything you want to do in life. You have so much ahead of you in this life, and I hope I can be the best example for you. Always trust in your Heavenly Father and remember the importance of prayer. Stop growing baby girl. Love you always.
First day in nursery
Cute little pigtails
Just having fun in your Halloween costume from last year.
Looking at the geese outside with your dad.
Painting at the children's museum in Pittsburgh, PA.
Some more fun at the children's museum.
Swimming in the Marriott hotel in Pittsburgh. We spent a few days here with Grandma and Grandpa Merrill.
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