Monday, January 16, 2012

4 Months Stats

You had your four month check up today weighing in at 13 lbs(50%tile), 25 inches (90%tile), and your head circumference 15 inches (25%tile). You are one tall girl! You got three shots today, and are now up in bed sleeping them off. It's so sad to see you get your little shots, but I sure do love when we come home and you take nice big long naps ;).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Favorite

You are sleeping right now in your car seat. We were over at a friends house today learning how to make cute little bows and flowers to adorn your little head. Now, you are worn out and are taking a big snooze. 
Last night while your Dad was giving Gavin a bath I was getting you all jammied up and ready for bed. This is probably one of my most favorite times of the day. I just love it when you lay there and smile at me, kicking those arms and legs like crazy. I love giving you kisses and making you giggle. I could do it forever. It is my favorite. Then we turn off the lights and I feed you one last time before wrapping you up tight in your blankie, and singing you a few songs. Your eyes slowing close and you are asleep for the night (mmm...I love how you sleep through the night). I love watching you grow, but sometimes I wish you could be my sweet little baby forever. Soon you will be crawling, then walking, then talking and playing with your big brother. I can't believe how fast time goes. I want to savor your littleness forever. I love you sweet Ruby and always will.