Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Cute Little 2 Year Old

Back in September (wow, time flies) you turned two! Probably the cutest two year old I have ever seen. We ate yummy rainbow cake, you opened presents; a dolly, necklaces, a purse, a bike and some clothes. You are one loved little girl.

You love Gavin even though you guys fight. You give him the biggest hugs when we pick him up from preschool. When you call him "Gav" it makes me smile.

You are so independent. You must do EVERYTHING on your own. It's pretty cute, and sometimes if you can't figure out how to do something then you finally ask for help.

You call knives "sharks". I think you heard me wrong the first time you heard me say sharp and that is how you have said it ever since.

You are gentle, loving, sensitive, sometimes loud, and so much fun. You love to read books and the swings are your favorite part of any playground. You also LOVE to swing on anything you can get your little hands on...monkey bars, the bar outside Gavin's preschool, the pews in front of us at church...anything.

You are still in your crib. You can climb out, but we just haven't gotten a bed yet for you. Someday we will.

You still have your binkie. You love that thing, and your blankie and your cup. Those three things just go together.

You are such a blessing in mine and your dad's lives. You bring so much joy into our home. I am so glad Heavenly Father sent you to us. I love hearing your little laugh, giving you big hugs, and reading with you. You make me smile each day. You are growing up so fast.

You are definitely a two year old. Mad if I help you get in the car etc... But I love your spunk and silly personality.